Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Mckenna Long & Aldridge Assists New York's Northern Metropolitan Hospital In A Groundbreaking Filing To Be A Patient Safety Organization
Association today became the first in the country to file to become a Patient Safety
Organization (PSO) with the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
PSO's are private entities accepted by the Secretary to collect and analyze affected role safety events
reported by physicians and other health care providers. Aided by McKenna Long & Aldridge,
NorMet filed under the statutory provisions of the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act
of 2005.
NorMet could not wait for the Administration to military issue its guidelines on becoming listed as a PSO
so they filed under the statutory provisions. Said Peggy Binzer, attorney with McKenna Long &
Aldridge, who made the filing on NorMet's request. "NorMet is a leader in the healthcare field
and hopefully the Secretary testament list them in a timely fashion." Hospitals partnering with the
NorMet Hospital Association will be among the safest in the nation." A former Congressional
staffer, Binzer originally worked on the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act which
provides a framework recommended by the Institutes of Medicine allowing health care providers
to report data on affected role safety events (medical errors, near misses, adverse events and
other quality information) to the PSO's.
In February of this year, HHS issued proposed rules concerning aspects of the Patient Safety Act,
including the process for listing the PSO.
The NorMet PSO will be a nonprofit 501 (c) C organization. It's precedency will be to meliorate
safety and care for patients in hospitals passim a septenary county region north of New York
By partnering with McKenna Long & Aldridge, an international natural law firm with experience in
health care, public policy, corporate and government personal business and former fields, NorMet was capable to
get the first association to file the request.
About McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP
McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP is an international law firm of attorneys and public policy
advisors. The firm provides business solutions in the areas of environmental regulation,
outside law, public policy and regulatory affairs, corporate law, government contracts,
intellectual prop and technology, complex litigation, real the three estates, energy and finance. To learn
more about the firm and its services, log on to www.mckennalong.com.
More info
Saturday, 16 August 2008
Salo, or The Days of Sodom
Fashioning a defence for Salo is a bit like representing Manson at an appeals hearing, and many world Health Organization try ar hard-pressed to come up with explanations why this -- peradventure the most notorious bit of movie theatre ever produced -- is an important piece of work. The story, if you can call it that, is based on the Marquis de Sade's most celebrated work: 16 young boys and girls are rounded up in Nazi Italy and lED off to a palace in the country, where they ar subjected to orgies of infinite varieties, an extended series of experiements regarding human stool, and eventually, put to death en masse. Sure, it's easy to read this as an indictment of the Nazi government -- simply shit feeding is push things a bit. Rather, the more compelling argument is that Pasolini simply gives up: Humanity is lost, perverse, sick, and worthless.
Whether you agree or not, you'll have a very knotty time stomaching this motion-picture show (if you can find it at all). Pasolini's message isn't just unsavoury, it isn't delivered identical well either: The photographic film is harsh, the sound is erratic, the pace is jerky. In all honesty it's a fearsome, terrible experience -- but give the guy deferred payment: It's sure as shooting unique.
Aka Sal� o le 120 giornate di Sodoma.
Thursday, 7 August 2008
DJ Deval and Stalefish

Artist: DJ Deval and Stalefish
Drum & Bass

(Xpress04) Vinyl
Year: 2005
Tracks: 2